فهرست مطالب

Progress in Chemical and Biochemical Research
Volume:4 Issue: 1, Jan 2021

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1399/10/12
  • تعداد عناوین: 9
  • Tarhemba Terwanger Philip, Kaana Asemave *, G.O Obochi Pages 1-10
    The paper reports comparative assessment of some phytochemicals in four (4) varieties of pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) merr) peels / rinds. These varieties were Native Pineapple (A), Queens Pineapple (B), MD-2 Pineapple (C), and Smooth Cayene pineapple (D). The pineapples were collected, properly washed, and the peels were processed. After that, the peels were pulverized and oven-dried at 50 OC for 48 h. Chefman 500 W Blender was used to blend these dry samples into 0.5 µm sizes. The resulting peels were used for the analyses of alkaloid, tannin, phytate, oxalate, flavonoid, cardiac glycoside, total phenolic, and βeta- carotene using standard reported procedures. The results implied higher levels of flavonoid and total phenol in the varieties C and D than for the varieties A and B. The levels of β-carotene and cardiac glycoside were found to be significantly different (p <0.05) amongst the different peels. However, it was observed that there was no significant difference (p <0.05) in tannin and phytate contents of these rinds. There was also no significant difference in the oxalate contents of varieties A and B; but difference in the oxalate levels of varieties C and D was significant (p <0.05). Like the varieties A and B, the difference in alkaloids content of varieties C and D was not significant (p <0.05). These peels can be blended into our diets because of the presence of these phytochemicalsThe paper reports comparative assessment of some phytochemicals in four (4) varieties of pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) merr) peels / rinds. These varieties were Native Pineapple (A), Queens Pineapple (B), MD-2 Pineapple (C), and Smooth Cayene pineapple (D). The pineapples were collected, properly washed, and the peels were processed. After that, the peels were pulverized and oven-dried at 50 OC for 48 h. Chefman 500 W Blender was used to blend these dry samples into 0.5 µm sizes. The resulting peels were used for the analyses of alkaloid, tannin, phytate, oxalate, flavonoid, cardiac glycoside, total phenolic, and βeta- carotene using standard reported procedures. The results implied higher levels of flavonoid and total phenol in the varieties C and D than for the varieties A and B. The levels of β-carotene and cardiac glycoside were found to be significantly different (p <0.05) amongst the different peels. However, it was observed that there was no significant difference (p <0.05) in tannin and phytate contents of these rinds. There was also no significant difference in the oxalate contents of varieties A and B; but difference in the oxalate levels of varieties C and D was significant (p <0.05). Like the varieties A and B, the difference in alkaloids content of varieties C and D was not significant (p <0.05). These peels can be blended into our diets because of the presence of these phytochemicals.
    Keywords: pineapple, peels, phytochemicals, and varieties
  • Mahdieh Asgari Bajgirani * Pages 11-19
    Wastewater is the excess water flow caused by water consumption in various human activities that can contain various physical, chemical and biological pollutants and endanger human health by polluting the environment. On the other hand, 99.9% of wastewater is water and only 0.1% of wastewater is external materials including soluble, suspended (sediment able/non-sediment able), organic and inorganic materials. However, the presence of such a seemingly small amount can cause irreparable damage to the environment. Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the effluent of wastewater treatment plants cause dangerous problems. Various methods and processes have been used to achieve the reduction of wastewater nitrogen to the standard level at different scales, one of which is the A2/O method in the activated sludge process. It can be shown that 87% of the oxygen required for the nitrification process can be recovered, meaning that this method can be very effective in reducing energy consumption for the use of air blowers.
    Keywords: Activated sludge, Effluent, oxygen, Treatment Plant, Water, Wastewater
  • Mahdieh Asgari Bajgirani * Pages 20-31
    Discovering Ziegler-Nata catalyst, Karl Ziegler had a great impact on the development of the chemical industry. Since then, important changes have been made in the method of production and use of this catalyst. More active and functional catalysts have been developed to produce different products. In 1950, while working on the synthesis of olefins using the catalytic reaction of triethyl aluminum, Karl Ziegler accidentally discovered that due to the presence of nickel in the reaction vessel, instead of the usual wax-like product, the reaction product was exclusively 1-butene, indicating that Nickel catalyzed the hydrogen removal reaction. After Ziegler's discovery, triethyl aluminum was used with a wide range of intermediate metals, and after many experiments, titanium tetrachloride became the most active compound. The discovery of Karl Ziegler and her colleagues in 1953 was one of the most important discoveries in the field of polymer synthesis at that time, leading to a remarkable scientific and industrial breakthrough in the production of polyolefin
    Keywords: Ziegler-Nata catalyst, synthesis of olefins, removal of hydrogen, Polyolefin
  • Moslem Shahamatpour, Seyed Mostafa Tabatabaee Ghomsheh *, Sara Maghsoudi, Shima Azizi Pages 32-43
    This paper reviews Fenton processes, adsorption and nano filtration processes. Wastewater is one of the substances that has been neglected even in recent years in the country. Industrial effluents can have a great variety depending on the type of production and process of industrial units. In other words, for each production line in industrial units, a specific effluent may be produced, the quality and environmental effects of which will depend on the type of material and its content. These effluents are often caused by chemical processes and therefore will create more potential hazards than normal effluents in the environment. Although refineries and petrochemical industries are widely expected to benefit the community, they produce significant volumes of effluents. Effluents produced in refineries are generally considered as hazardous effluents due to their high amounts and high concentrations of oily and petroleum compounds, as well as acids and heavy metals. Protecting the environment against pollution of oil, gas and petrochemical industries has created great concerns from the environmental point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and study the effluents of these units and provide solutions to control their pollution.
    Keywords: Adsorption, Effluent, Fenton, Nano filtration, Refinery
  • Abdollah Khosravanian, Ahmad Moslehipour *, Hossein Ashrafian Pages 44-56

    Graphene quantum dots (GQDs), which are the most capable carbon-based nanostructures, play a significant role in biological studies. These nanostructures show significant attributes including low toxicity, high solubility in numerous solvents, notable electronic characteristics, strong chemical inertness, high specific surface areas, and abundant sites for functionalization. In addition, GQDs have adaptability as well as capability to be improved via absorbent surface chemicals as well as the addition of modifiers or nanoparticles. Accordingly, we have presented here the fundamental properties, synthesis techniques, and the applications of GQDs in biosensing, bioimaging, and drug delivery. It is worth mentioning that toxicity is a significant issue which has restricted biological applications of QDs. Hence, the toxicological features of GQDs have been covered in this review paper.

    Keywords: Graphene quantum dots, Nanotechnology, Drug Delivery, bioimaging, Biosensing
  • Hridoydip Dasgupta, Suvodip Mukherjee, Pranab Ghosh * Pages 57-67
    Small amount of Zn dust and NaHSO3 was utilized to efficiently synthesize benzimidazole derivatives via one pot reductive cyclocondensation process in water medium at 100oC temperature. Very good to excellent yields in reasonably short reaction times, high atom economy and usage of readily available starting material, operational simplicity and easy workup are the fundamental features of this protocol.
    Keywords: 2-nitroaniline, One pot reaction, Reductive cyclisation reaction, Benzimidazole
  • Seham Ismail * Pages 68-79
    Gossypol level plays an important role in self-protection as antibiosis of cotton plants(Gossypium spp.). Thus, it was found necessary to evaluated the level of gossypol in the different parts during the stages of growth of cotton plant for three cotton cultivars viz., Giza 86, Giza 80, and Giza 45. Their performance against cotton thrips, Thrips tabaci and pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella under field conditions was studied.Statistical analysis revealed that there was a positive correlation between the gossypol content in the seed pulp of different varieties of cotton and the amount of gossypol detected in the different parts of the produced plants. The level of gossypol in seeds were significantly higher on Giza 86, and Giza 45 having 1.90% and 1.52%, respectively, whereas the level of gossypol was limited in Giza 80 (1.45%). Therefore, cotton variety, Giza 86 showed higher levels of gossypol in all parts of plant.In field tests during 2019, the results indicated that the higher content of gossypol had a negative effect on population size both T. tabaci (adult and nymph) and P. gossypiella larvae that infested cotton bolls. Cotton thrips and pink bollworm population exhibited negative response to gossypol content. According to the results, the cotton varieties could be arranged in the following descending order concerning their susceptibility to infestation with these pests: Giza 80, Giza 45 and Giza 86.
    Keywords: Cotton (Gossypium spp.), Gossypol, Host plant resistance, Pectinophora gossypiella, Thrips tabaci
  • Matthew Adebayo *, Samson Akande, Adebowale Olorunfemi, Oluwatosin Ajayi, Joshua Orege, Enobong Daniel Pages 80-91
    The usage of synthetic-based inhibitors for protection of metals against corrosion is always accompanied by environmental and economic challenges, including a threat to human health. Therefore, the corrosion inhibition efficiency of sweet prayer (Thaumatococcus danielli) leaf extract on mild steel in alkaline medium (NaOH) was investigated. The effects of temperature and concentration of the inhibitor on corrosion inhibitive potential of the leaf extract were evaluated. The equilibrium data were subjected to isotherm analysis (Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin models). Langmuir model was the best model that provided information on the adsorption of the corrosion systems. The values of Langmuir equilibrium constant (KL) increased from 0.1581 g/L to 0.6523 g/L as the temperature increased from 298 K to 333 K. The findings revealed that sweet prayer leaf extract at different concentrations had inhibitive effects of mild steel on alkaline medium. The values of activation energy of the inhibited corrosion systems were greater than that of obtained for uninhibited system. Thermodynamic study revealed a feasible and spontaneous adsorption of sweet prayer leaf extract on mild steel. The trends of inhibition efficiencies and the results obtained from the thermodynamic parameters suggested a physical adsorption mechanism. The study proved that the sweet prayer leaf extract could serve as a low-cost corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in alkaline medium.
    Keywords: Sweet prayer leaf, Mild steel, Green inhibitor, Alkaline medium, corrosion
  • Zahra Torabi, Saeid Saeida Ardekani *, Seyed Hassan Hatami Nasab Pages 92-108

     This study examines professional commitment in the relationship between professional competence and job performance in the Iranian oil industry. The main task of management is to guide people to the most effective performance in organizational situations. One of the most vital issues in any organization is its job performance. Since human capital is the most important asset of any organization, so benefiting from employees who have acceptable job performance and behave in accordance with the goals of the organization and the expectations of the manager, is essential for any organization that is concerned with effectiveness and improvement. Job performance refers to the achievement of organizational goals that have consequences such as increasing long-term profitability, growth rate and income, job satisfaction, employee productivity and improving the quality of services and products. Organizations are trapped in an atmosphere of constant change and transformation. This changing environment has led organizations to constantly seek to change their trends and, most importantly, to define new expectations for their employees. Nowadays, if employees act only within the formal and specified requirements of their job and, in other words, only to the extent that is written in the description of their organizational duties, then organizations can slowly move towards achieving the goals and optimal effectiveness. On the other hand, since the performance of individuals in the organization is considered as an important variable in increasing the effectiveness and productivity of the organization.

    Keywords: Professional commitment, professional competence, job performance, Oil Industry